Healing: The Revelation of Who We Truly Are

HomeCoach G's JournalHealing: The Revelation of Who We Truly Are

Healing is not about fixing what is broken. It is about revealing what has always been whole.

At the core of our being, beyond the layers of pain, conditioning, and illusion, lies our true self, a self that has never been wounded, never been lacking, and never been separate from the infinite intelligence that creates worlds. Yet, most of us live in states of disconnect, confusion, and limitation, believing that we are victims of life instead of the creators of it.

But healing is not simply about feeling better. It is about seeing better, about uncovering the deeper mechanics of life, peeling back the layers of mental and emotional conditioning, and remembering that everything we experience is a reflection of our inner world.

True healing is shadow work, the process of bringing the subconscious into consciousness, reclaiming the fragmented aspects of ourselves, and undoing the illusions that have kept us bound to suffering.

And if we do not do this work, if we do not reclaim our shadows, they will define our lives, until the very end.

Healing Begins With Truth: Seeing Beyond the Illusion

From the moment we are born, we begin absorbing the world’s beliefs, fears, and limitations. We inherit patterns from our lineage, from society, from the very fabric of the world we are immersed in. And through this lens, we begin shaping our identity, not based on truth, but based on conditioning.

What we call “reality” is simply a projection of our inner world. Our relationships, challenges, and experiences are mirrors reflecting the shadows we have not yet integrated.

Every unresolved wound, every fear we suppress, every limiting belief we hold, life reflects it back to us.

But here’s the crucial truth:

We are not at the mercy of life. Life is at the mercy of our consciousness.

Healing begins when we turn inward, when we stop fighting the external world and start understanding the internal one. The outside is only ever a reflection. If we want to change our reality, we must go to the root, to the cause where all effects are generated.

And that root is within us.

Shadow Work: The Process of True Healing

Shadow work is the path of bringing what is hidden into the light. It is the art of facing the parts of ourselves we have rejected, denied, or feared.

Most people run from their shadows. They distract themselves, numb themselves, seek external validation or material success, anything to avoid looking within.

But the truth is:

We are always doing shadow work. The only difference is whether we are doing it consciously or whether life is doing it for us.

Every struggle, every heartbreak, every moment of pain is an invitation to see something we have refused to acknowledge. Life is not punishing us, it is showing us the parts of ourselves that need healing.

Common signs of unhealed shadows:
🔹 Repeating toxic relationships and patterns
🔹 Feeling trapped in cycles of procrastination and self-sabotage
🔹 Fear of being seen or expressing true emotions
🔹 Emotional triggers that seem to “come out of nowhere”
🔹 Feeling disconnected from purpose and joy

Healing is not about getting rid of the shadow, it is about integrating it.

Healing the First Relationship: The Self

Every single wound we carry stems from one source, our relationship with ourselves.

Most people are at war with themselves. They criticize, suppress, and deny their own emotions. They reject their past. They feel unworthy of love, success, or happiness.

But here is the paradox:

You cannot heal your external life until you heal your inner one.

Healing begins with radical self-honesty. It requires us to:

🔹 See ourselves fully—the light and the dark, the strength and the wounds.
🔹 Take responsibility—not in blame, but in ownership of our own reality.
🔹 Let go of false identities—the stories we tell ourselves about who we are.
🔹 Reclaim our power—by realizing that nothing outside of us can define us.

Until we heal our relationship with ourselves, we will seek externally for what can only be found within.

The first relationship we must heal is the one with our own soul.

The Power of the Subconscious: Reprogramming the Mind for Freedom

The subconscious mind runs the show.

Every belief, every fear, every reaction we have is programmed deep within the subconscious, often without our awareness. These programs dictate:

🔹 How we see ourselves
🔹 How we interact with others
🔹 What opportunities we allow into our lives
🔹 How much success, love, or happiness we believe we “deserve”

And most of these beliefs? They are inherited.

We are not just carrying our own past, we are carrying the unresolved traumas of our lineage, of generations before us. These beliefs exist at the cellular level, woven into the very fabric of our being.

Healing requires us to deprogram these subconscious beliefs, to go into the core of our conditioning and replace it with the truth.

How to Begin the Healing Process

Healing is not passive. It is an active process that requires deep internal work.

1. Awareness: Recognizing the Patterns

Look at your life. Your struggles, your relationships, your recurring challenges—they are trying to show you something.

Ask yourself:
🔹 What patterns keep repeating in my life?
🔹 What emotions do I suppress?
🔹 What fears keep me stuck?

2. Integration: Facing the Shadow

Healing does not happen by avoiding discomfort. It happens by facing it.

🔹 Sit with your emotions instead of numbing them.
🔹 Journal about your fears, wounds, and limiting beliefs.
🔹 Speak to your inner child—what does it need to hear?

3. Reprogramming: Creating a New Reality

Once we see the pattern, we can break the pattern.

🔹 Replace limiting beliefs with empowering truths.
🔹 Surround yourself with people and environments that uplift you.
🔹 Create daily habits that reinforce your new mindset.

4. Reconnection: Expanding Beyond the Self

Healing is not just about the self, it is about reconnecting with something larger.

Call it God, Source, Universal Intelligence, or Higher Self, there is a force greater than us, and when we align with it, life transforms.

🔹 Meditate to silence the mind and listen beyond thoughts.
🔹 Spend time in nature and feel the energy of life itself.
🔹 Trust the unfolding of your journey, even when you don’t see the full picture.

Healing is Remembering Who You Truly Are

You are not broken.
You are not lost.
You are not at the mercy of life.

You are a creator.

The journey of healing is the journey of remembrance—remembrance of your own power, your own infinite nature, and the truth that you are never separate from the divine force that moves all things.

And Gloria and I?

This is why we do what we do.

Through deep coaching, subconscious reprogramming, and transformative guidance, we help people break the cycles, integrate the shadows, and step into their true power.

Healing is not an endpoint—it is a way of life.

Are you ready to begin?

🚀 Work with us and start your journey today: coach-g.com


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