The Truth About Anger

HomeSpiritualityThe Truth About Anger

Discovering Oneness Beyond Anger And Judgment

Are you ready to deal with your anger ? Imagine for a moment, stepping into a reality where everything you saw, every person, every interaction, was a reflection of God, Allah, Great Spirit…However you name the divine. What would happen if, instead of anger, judgment, or resentment, you forced yourself to see only the divine essence? What would shift if you understood that everything you project onto others that isn’t love, is actually a projection of your own unhealed emotions, directed not just toward others but, ultimately, toward yourself keeping you in the greatest delusion you could ever experience?

We often view anger and judgment as responses to the world outside of us, but what if they’re simply reflections of an inner struggle? In a reality based on Oneness, there is no “other”, only a vast mirror showing us what we need to reconcile within ourselves. And if, deep within, the divine dwells in each of us, then every projection of anger, every snap of judgment, is like casting shadows over this light within, blurring our connection to something infinitely holy.

Oneness and the Illusion of Separation

The idea of Oneness suggests that separation is an illusion. From this perspective, every interaction, every person who pushes our buttons or brings us joy, is part of an interconnected whole. Anger, judgment, and resentment create a barrier, making us feel separate from others and from ourselves. When we judge others, we reinforce this false boundary, blocking the flow of unconditional love that naturally exists in a state of Oneness. Every judgment is, therefore, a judgment of ourselves, and every anger we hold is an anger held within.

What would happen if, instead of projecting these feelings outward, we saw them as reflections of an inner healing process? Instead of seeing others as flawed, irritating, or wrong, we could view them as teachers, reflecting back to us the places where our own love, patience, or forgiveness needs to grow.

Reflecting on Anger and Judgment

Anger often arises when reality doesn’t align with our expectations. We want things to go a certain way, or people to behave according to our standards, and when they don’t, anger flares. But if we see life as a reflection of the divine, then anger is not so much a reaction to others but rather an indication of our attachment to control, to conditions, and ultimately, to ego.

If anger is directed at others, it is also directed at ourselves. And if we believe that the divine essence dwells within us, then every unkind thought or harsh judgment is, in a way, directed toward the divinity within. It is a denial of that holy spark, a refusal to accept that we and others are inherently worthy, whole, and connected.

What Changes When We See Only the Divine

If we were to shift our focus and see only the divine in each other, something profound could happen. Instead of judgment, compassion would arise; instead of anger, forgiveness. We would begin to understand that the very things that irritate us are there to teach us about ourselves. Each person would become a mirror reflecting the parts of our hearts that need healing.

Imagine facing someone who has wronged you and seeing not their offense but the essence of divinity within them. Could you forgive more easily? Could you let go of the need to hold onto anger and resentment? This shift doesn’t mean tolerating harm or allowing abuse, but it does mean choosing to see beyond the surface, releasing yourself from the prison of judgment and separation.

Moving Beyond the Ego’s Falsehood

The ego thrives on separation. It convinces us that we are distinct, that our worth is based on our comparisons to others, and that our judgments of others somehow elevate or define us. But when we start to see everything as connected, the ego begins to lose its hold. We start to understand that every judgment, every angry thought, is a barrier between ourselves and our true nature, a nature rooted in love, compassion, and unity.

Forgiving others, then, becomes an act of self-liberation. We free ourselves from the weight of anger, from the falsehood of separation, and from the chains of a distorted perception. And as we forgive, as we let go of judgment, we come to find a profound inner peace. We realize that everything we thought separated us was an illusion, and that our truest self has always been connected, inextricably, to the divine in all things.

Embracing Oneness: A Path to True Freedom

In choosing to see only the divine in others, we embark on a journey toward true freedom. We release ourselves from the need to control, to judge, to hold onto anger. We become lighter, more joyful, and more compassionate. The path of Oneness is not about denying our humanity; it’s about elevating it, about seeing our potential for love in everyone we encounter.

If the divine lives within us, then to reject another is to reject ourselves. To hold anger is to poison our own hearts, and to judge is to distance ourselves from our truest nature. Worse, when we do not love unconditionally, we show our separation from the Divine, not letting the force that is Love come inside us to heal us, and help us grow. Is that not the simplest recognition of a lack of Love towards the Divine, claiming our arrogance in thinking we know better than our own source of Creation !… This might be the very notion and understanding of what a personal Hell truly is.
I will leave it there…

In recognizing Oneness, we step into a reality where love, compassion, and peace become the foundation of our existence. And in this place, we discover that we are whole, that we are loved, and that we are free. But more importantly, we finally come to realize our own existence in something that is not limited to the chaotic delusion we created in our own minds,  to live in perfect order of Truth.


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