The Universe Rewards Who You Are, Not Necessarily What You Do

HomeCoach G's JournalThe Universe Rewards Who You Are, Not Necessarily What You Do

There was a time in my life when I believed, like most people, that success, love, and abundance were rewards for effort. Work hard, push forward, hustle, and eventually, life will give you what you deserve.

But I was wrong. Hear me loud and clear, I am not saying that Laziness will get you anywhere, it won´t…

But one of the most profound truths I’ve come to realize is this: the universe doesn’t repay you based on what you do, it responds to who you are being.

This changes everything.

We’re conditioned to believe that the key to getting what we want is in the external world, achieve more, do more, control more. But how many people do you know who work relentlessly and still feel stuck? Who chase love but never find it? Who struggle endlessly and wonder why life seems so unfair?

Meanwhile, there are others who seem to manifest effortlessly. They don’t chase, they attract. It’s almost as if life bends in their favor, and it actually does.


Because it’s never truly about what we do, it’s about who we are being.

You Are Not a Passive Player in Life

I see so many people trying to manipulate their external reality, not realizing that their inner state is what determines everything. If you live in frustration, fear, or doubt, your world will mirror that back to you. If you carry peace, gratitude, and confidence within you, the universe responds in kind.

The universe isn’t out there deciding what you “deserve.” It simply reflects back to you what you are.

Think about it, how often do we try to change the world outside of us? We try to make people treat us differently, we try to force opportunities, we fight against circumstances. But what if, instead of exhausting ourselves chasing change externally, we turned inward and changed our state of being?

That’s when life truly begins to shift.

Chasing vs. Being

Most people spend their lives chasing.
Chasing love.
Chasing success.
Chasing happiness.

But here’s the kicker: The moment you chase something, you confirm to the universe that you don’t already have it.

And what does the universe do? It mirrors that lack back to you.

Oneness teaches us that the universe is already contained within us and expressed through us. What we see in the world is simply a reflection of our consciousness. If your consciousness is filled with struggle, then struggle is what you will experience. If your consciousness is filled with peace and abundance, life will reflect that back to you.

Your capacity to feel the reality you want is the key.

Life isn’t about waiting for something external to feel alive, it’s about awakening to the aliveness that already exists within you.

You’re Not Manifesting What You Want, You’re Manifesting What You Are

Most people approach manifestation from the wrong direction. They think, “If I just focus on what I want, I’ll get it.” But that’s not how it works.

The universe does not respond to your wants, as wants are purely an expression of lack.

It responds to your state.

If you constantly say, “I want love,” what you are actually vibrating is the absence of love.
If you say, “I want success,” what you are actually broadcasting is lack.

You cannot fake energy. You cannot trick the universe into giving you something you don’t already embody.

So the real question is: What are you vibrating?

Are you vibrating abundance, or scarcity?
Are you vibrating trust, or fear?
Are you vibrating love, or loneliness?

Because no matter what you tell yourself, the universe responds to the energy you hold within.

Remember a Time You Felt Most Alive

Think back to a moment when you felt truly alive.
Maybe it was during an incredible conversation, an experience of pure joy, or a time when you were completely in flow.

Did you chase that feeling? Or did it come effortlessly?

Chances are, you weren’t trying to feel alive, you just were. You weren’t chasing the moment, you were fully in it.

This is how reality works.

You don’t create your best life by forcing, controlling, or worrying. You create it by becoming the version of yourself that is already aligned with it.

This is why expansion is everything. Expand your consciousness, and your world expands.

The Truth About Creation

We are always creating. Every second, we are sending out signals to the universe, and life is simply responding.

The universe isn’t playing favorites, it’s playing mirrors.

So the real work isn’t in doing more, trying harder, or proving your worth.
The real work is in becoming.
Becoming the version of yourself that already has what you seek.
Becoming the person who no longer wants love but simply radiates it.
Becoming the person who doesn’t chase success but embodies abundance.

That’s when life shifts. That’s when you stop running after things, and they start running to you.

The universe doesn’t bless you for working harder, though hard work, focus and commitment will definitely help more than their opposites. Truth is the universe blesses you for being. It is not positive thinking, it is positive being and you will notice your actions and doing will come naturally out of your state of being, effortlessly.


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