Motivation And Drive : How to Get Back Up When You Feel Down

HomeSelf-ImprovementMotivation And Drive : How to Get Back Up When You Feel Down

The War Inside Your Mind

We all have those days. The days where getting out of bed feels like a battle. Where every thought seems to drag you down instead of lifting you up. The days where the mind tells you that nothing matters, that you’re stuck, that things won’t change.

This, my friend, is the chatter of a mind in survival mode, and it’s lying to you.

When you’re in a depressed state, your mind plays tricks on you. It tells you to stay still, to avoid discomfort, to sink deeper. But here’s the truth:

👉 Apathy feeds itself. If you listen to the voice that says “do nothing,” you will do nothing.

👉 Action clears the mind. If you want to stop feeling stuck, move.

The key is to understand that your reality is a reflection of your choices. Even in the darkest moments, the choices you make today will shape what you experience tomorrow.

The Quick Formula to Get Out of the Fog

1️⃣ Move Your Body – Depression makes you feel heavy. The antidote? Get stronger. Go to the gym. Lift something. Sweat. Get your heart pumping. Your body and mind are connected. You shift your energy when you move.

2️⃣ Eat Like You Love Yourself – When you’re feeling low, your mind will try to mirror that state by craving garbage food. It wants you to validate the negativity. Don’t let it. Choose clean, whole foods. Feed your brain what it needs to function.

3️⃣ Meditate and Breathe – The endless chatter in your head is not reality, it’s just noise. Meditation trains you to silence it, to see beyond it. Even 10 minutes of deep breathing can change your entire day. I highly recommend The “Ananda Mandala”. It is a breathwork meditation I have been using for years. It was first designed by the Oneness Institute in India. It works amazingly… Your mind will fight it, but do yourself a favor and commit to it !

Here is the Link on Youtube :

4️⃣ Cut Out the Mind Numbness – Alcohol, endless scrolling, junk food, distractions… These are coping mechanisms that keep you stuck. If you want to break out, choose discipline over dopamine.

5️⃣ Remember: You Are the Creator – Your mind wants you to think life is happening to you. That you’re just a passenger. But that’s not true. You are the driver. Your reality is shaped by your thoughts, actions, and the energy you cultivate every day.

The Choice is Yours

This is not about motivation. Motivation comes and goes. This is about discipline and ownership.

If you are in a dark place right now, I see you. I have been there. But I can tell you this:

The way out is forward. The way out is through action.

Move. Train. Meditate. Fuel yourself like someone who deserves better. Because you do.

And if you need help, I’m here.

Coach G

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